Ebbe Nyborg

Editor emeritus

Curriculum vitæ


For Ebbe Nyborg

Born 1.10 1950 in Århus, Denmark

Cand mag in history and medieval archaeology, Århus University 1975.

Scolarship at the department of medieval archaeology, Århus University, 1977-78.

Editor at the inventory Danmarks Kirker (Denmarks Churches), The National Museum of Denmark, since 1978.

On research leave for a project concerning Danish wooden sculpture 1100-1300 1990-92 and 1995-96.

Declared qualified for a professorship in history 1996.

Areas of research


Parochial organization and ecclesiastical topography

Art and architecture of the middle ages and the renaissance

Current research subjects

The early history of the altar-piece and of panel-painting c. 1100-1300.

Danish wooden sculpture (crucifixes and saints images) c. 1100-1300.

The use of Helsingborg-sandstone in North Zealand churches c. 1100-1200.

The Green Man in Denmark c. 1100-1700.

Jutland painting in the age of King Christian IV.


Danmarks Kirker, Churches published:

Wall paintings, Fittings and monuments, Ribe Amt (Ribe County) pp. 1-2100. 2541-3378. 3523-3548, Ringkøbing Amt pp. 1-723, Århus Amt pp. 5043-5298, 6059-6136, Vejle Amt pp. 1-2852, wall-paintings in Holbæk Amt pp. 2974-2900. (English and german summaries).


Parochial organisation and topography:

▪ 'Enkeltmænd og fællesskaber i organiseringen af der romanske sognekirkebyggeri' (Individuals and communities in the organization of Danish church building c. 1000-1300). Strejflys over Danmarks Bygningskultur. Festskrift til Harald Langberg, 1979, pp. 37-64.

▪ 'Den tidlige sognekirke-inkorporation. Et studie i pave Innocens III's lovgivning og dens anvendelse i 1200-tallets Danmark' (The early appropriation of parish churches. An investigation into the legislation of pope Innocent III and its application in 13th century Denmark). Festskrift til Troels Dahlerup, Århus 1985, pp. 17-35. ▪ 'Kirke, sognedannelse og bebyggelse. Nogle overvejelser med udgangspunkt i et bebyggelsesprojekt for Ribeområdet' (Church, parish and settlement in the Ribe-area c. 1000-1300). Hikuin nr. 12, 1986, pp. 17-44.

▪ 'Om kirketopografi og middelalderlig bydannelse' (On church topography and medieval urbanization). Hikuin nr. 17, 1990, pp. 7-20.

▪ Arusiensis ecclesia' (The church of Århus). Series Episcoporum Ecclesiæ catholicae occidentalis VI, II, eds. O. Engels and S. Weinfurter, Stuttgart 1992, pp. 38-43.

▪ 'Kirke, sogn og bebyggelse 1000-1300' (Church, parish and settlement 1000-1300 in the Ribe-area). Ribeegnen i 10.000 år, ed. Stig Jensen et al. Jysk Selskab for Historie, 1998, pp. 191-210.

▪ 'Kirke og sogn i den højmiddelalderlige by' (Church and parish in the high medieval town). Middelalderbyen. Danske Bystudier 1, ed. Søren Bitsch Christensen, Aarhus 2004, pp. 113-190.

▪ 'Stiftere og stifterrettigheder ved sognekirker' (Patrons and their rights in danish parish churches c. 1100-1300). Internetpublication http://www.hum.ku.dk/historie/masem/nyborg.html. 

▪ 'Topographie ecclésiastique er urbanisation du Danemark Medieval'. Medieval Towns in Northwestern Europe, eds. Imke Hamann-Bock, Mareike Hansen, Alexandre Karwaski, Sina Kuhr and Thomas Riis, Tönning 2007, pp. 91-105.


The early history of the altar-piece and of panel-painting c. 1100-1300:

▪ 'Kreuz und Kreuzaltarretabel in dänischen Pfarrkirchen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. Zur Genese der Ring- und Arkadenkreuze' (Holy Roods and Rood-retables in Danish Parish Churches of the 12th and 13th centuries. On the origins of the Ring- and Arcade Crosses). Entstehung und Frühgeschichte des Flügelaltarschreins, eds. Hartmut Krohm, Klaus Krüger and Matthias Weniger, Berlin 2001, pp. 25-49.

▪ 'Retabler med to spir. Et bidrag til altertavlens tidlige historie' (Retables with two spires. A contribution to the early history of the altarpiece). Arvesølvet. Studier fra Nationalmuseet tilegnet Fritze Lindahl 2003, København 2003, pp 27-46.

▪ 'Panel Painting in Denmark before 1300'. Medieval Painting in northern Europe: Techniques, Analysis, Art History. Studies in commemoration of the 70th birthday of Unn Plather, eds. Jilleen Nadolny with Kaja Kollandsrud, Marie Louise Sauerberg and Tine Frøysaker, 2006, pp. 248-265.

▪ ‘Retables with two spires. A study in the Early Development of the altarpiece’. In the publication from the conference ‘The altar and its Decorations, 1200-1400’ in Groningen 2006 (in progress).

▪ The arched Retable – Meaning and Origin. Image and Altar 800-1300. Papers from an International Conference in Copenhagen 24 October – 27 October 2007, edited by Poul Grinder-Hansen, Copenhagen 2014.


Danish and European wooden sculpture c. 1100-1300:

▪ 'Mikaels-altre' (Altars of St. Michael). Hikuin nr. 2, 1977, pp. 157-181.

▪ 'Roskilde Domkirkes triumfkrucifiks' (The triumphal Cross of Roskilde Cathedral) (with Verner Thomsen). Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1983, pp. 187-209.

▪ 'Passionsreliefferne i Store Rise Kirke på Ærø. En lektoriebrystning fra o. 1300' (Reliefs of the Passion in Store Rise Church on Ærø. A Gallery front from a rood-loft c. 1300). Kirkens bygning og brug. Festskrift til Elna Møller, København 1983, pp. 71-87.

▪ 'Korbue, krucifiks og bueretabel. Om de ældste vestjyske krucifikser, deres udformning og anbringelse' (Chansel Arch, Rood Crucifix and Arched Retable. On early Rood crucifixes in west Jutland, their forms and positions). Hikuin 14, 1988, pp. 133-152.

▪ 'Det gamle Sorø-krucifiks. Et forsøg på indkredsning af cisterciensiske traditioner i udformningen af monumentale krucifikser' (The elder Holy Rood of Sorø Abbey. Encircling cistercian traditions for monumental crucifixes). Konsthistorisk Tidskrift 1990, pp. 88-113.

▪ 'Fra Paris til Sneslev. De ældste danske krucifikser og helgenbilleder' (From Paris to Sneslev: the earliest Danish Holy Roods and images of Saints) (with Verner Thomsen). Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1993, pp. 164-181.

▪ 'Dänische Holzskulptur vor 1300. Ein Forschungsprojekt' (Danisk Wooden Sculpture before 1300. A research Project). Figur und Raum. Mittelalterliche Holzbildwerke im historischen und Kunstgeographischen Kontext, Berlin 1994, pp. 35-52.

▪ 'Dansk træskulptur 1100-1400 – egenproduktion, eksport og eksport' (Danish wooden sculpture c. 1100-1400 – Home Production, Import and Export). Hikuin nr. 26, 1999, pp. 167-190.

▪ 'The Holy Rood Crucifixion Group of Roskilde Cathedral and the Scaldinavian Early Gothic'. Romanesque Art in Scandinavia. Hafnia, Copenhagen Papers in the History of Art No 12, 2003, pp. 160-195.

▪ 'Tranderup Kirkes tronende Madonna – en franskinspireret "vierge dorée" fra o. 1270-80' (The Madonna enthroned in Tranderup Church. A 'vierge dorée' of c. 1270-80). Tranderup Kirke. En landsbykirke – og dens historie, ed. Mette Eriksen Havsteen-Mikkelsen, Marstal 2003, pp. 35-52.

▪ The older Crucifix in Sorø. An attempt to envelop Cistercian Traditions for the elaboration of great crucifixes. Spiritualität und Baukunst. Leben und wirken der Zisterzienser im Kloster Doberan. Convent Bb. 5, 2013, pp. 22-76.

▪ English Influence on Danish Polychrome wooden Sculpture. A Tentative Study. Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie 2011-12, 3013, pp. 293-311.

▪ Possible English influence on Danish polychrome wooden sculpture of the thirteenth Century. Paint and Piety. Collected Essays on Medieval Painting and Polychrome Sculpture, edited by Noëlle L. W. Streeton and Kaja Kollandsrud, London 2014, s. 93-112

▪ "The Master of the Næstved Virgin and his Workshop. Image-Making in Denmark c. 1300". From Conservation to Interpretation. Studies of Religious Art (c.1100-1800) in Northern and Central Europe in Honour of Peter Tångeberg, ed. Justin Kroesen, Ebbe Nyborg & Marie Louise Sauerberg, Leuven, Paris and Bristol 2017, pp. 83-106. 


Danish and North European ecclesiastical Art and Architecture:

▪ Fanden på væggen (The devil on the wall), Højbjerg 1978, 111 pages.

▪ 'Om Ribe Domkirkes store ildpande "til præsters og fattige peblinges og menige fattigfolks behov og nytte"' (On the Fire-pan of Ribe Cathedral ‘to the benefit of clergymen, poor pupils and laymen’). Hikuin nr. 7, Festskrift til Mogens Bencard 1981, pp. 185-208.

▪ 'Om romanske kirketårne i Danmark' (On romanesque church towers in Denmark). Kongens magt og ære, ed. Martin Blindheim, Bergen 1985, pp. 93-100.

▪ Ribe Cathedral, Ribe 1988, 30 pages.

▪ Introduction to the catalogue Kunstschätze aus der Zeit Waldemar des Siegers (Art Treasures from the age of Valdemar the Victorious, 1202-41). Ausstellung des Stiftsmuseums Viborg zur 750 Jahrfeir der Jyske Lov, eds. Jesper Hjermind and Erik Levin Nielsen, Viborg 1991, pp. 6-23.

▪ 'Church Treasures and wall decoration'. From Viking to Crusader. Scandinavia and Europe 800-1200, Exhibition Catalogue Paris, Berlin and Copenhagen, eds. Else Roesdahl and D. M. Wilson 1992 (also in German, French, Danish and Swedish), pp. 212-215.

▪ 'Church and Cloister'. Digging into the Past. 25 Years of Danish Archaeology, eds. Steen Hvass and Birger Storgaard, Copenhagen 1993, pp. 242-247.

▪ 'Denmark, Sculpture before c. 1540'. The Dictionary of Art, 1996. ▪ 'Roskilde Cathedral'. The Dictionary of Art, 1996.

▪ 'Ribe Cathedral'. The Dictionary of Art, 1996.

▪ 'Messeoffer, gralsriddere og snakkekvinder. Genfundne og nyopdagede kalkmalerier i Ølsted Kirke' (Mass-symbolism, grail-seekers and gossiping women. Rediscovered and newly uncovered wall paintings in Ølsted Church) (with Mette Jensen). Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1998, pp. 54-71, and Vejle Amts Årbog 1998, pp. 9-27.

▪ 'Kirkernes indretning og Skatte' (Church fittings and treasure). Vejle Amts Årbog 1999, pp. 133-157. ▪ 'Drewina figurska ´sw. Jana' (a wooden figure of St. John) (with Marian Rẹbkowski). Archeologia ´sredniowiecznego Kolobrzegu Tom III, Kolobrzeg 1998, pp. 259-270.

▪ 'Wybrane dziela rzezby wczesnego I pelnego gotyku na pomorzu I ich zwiazki ze sztuka skandynawska' (Some early gothic carvings in Pomerania and their relations to the art of southern Scandinavia ). Terra Transoderana. Sztuka Pomorza Zachodiniego I Dawnej Nowej Marchii w ´Sredniowieczu, Szczecin 2004, pp. 225-238, 311-314.

▪ 'Et gotlandsk figurkapitæl fra København. En rest af Vor Frue Kirkes højgotiske skulpturudsmykning' (A Gotland capital from Copenhagen, probably from the Church of Our Lady). Historiske Meddelselser om København 2002, pp. 24-26, and Elbogen (Malmö) 2003, pp. 75-89.

▪ 'Norges Kirker' (the churches of Norway). Hikuin nr. 33, 2006, pp. 7-10. ▪ ‚Altersølvet og dets plads i 1200-tallets guldsmedekunst‘ (The silver plate and ist place in 13th century goldsmith‘ art). Tingvoll Kyrkje. Gåta Gunnar Gjorde, eds. Morten Stige & Terje Spurkland, Trondheim 2006, pp. 269-282.

▪ ‚Bertramwerke und Bertramstil im mittelalterlichen Dänemark‘ (Master Bertram and his style in Medieval Denmark). Das Landkrichener Retabel im Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landesmuseum Schloss Gottorf, Kiel 2008, pp. 75-84.

▪ ‚Anders Sunesens helligtrekongersgruppe og en baltisk madonnatype‘ (Anders Sunesens‘ Adoration of the Kings and a Baltic Madonna Type). Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 2008, pp. 187-202, Ale, historisk Tidskrift för Skåne, Halland och Blekinge 2008, pp. 16-26 and Spaden och pennan. Ny humanistisk Forskning i anden av Erik B. Lundberg och Bengt B. Söderberg, eds. Torsten Svensson et al., Stockholm 2009, pp. 393-406.

▪ ,The Black Death as reflected in Scandinavian Art and Architecture‘. Living with The Black Death, eds. Lars Bisgaard & Leif Søndergaard, Odense 2009, pp. 187-206.

▪ ‚Den Sorte Død som afspejlet i skandinavisk arkitektur og kunst‘ (as the privious), hikuin nr. 36, 2009, pp. 45-48.

▪ ‘The altar silver from Tingvoll, and its place in the goldsmiths’ art of the 13th century. “Luft unter die Flügel…”. Beiträge zur mittelalterlichen Kunst. Festschrift für Hiltrud Westermann-Angerhausen, eds. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch & Dagmar Täube, Hildesheim, Zürich, New York 2010.

▪ On the ”abduction” of a princess from Horsens 1261 and its local scene. Lokalhistorie fra Sydøstjylland 2010, pp. 35-42.

▪ The tomb of King Harald Hens at Dalby. Locus Celebris. Dalby kyrka, kloster och gård, ed. Stephan Borgehammar og Jes Wienberg, Lund 2012, pp. 151-159.

▪ King Harald Hen and Queen Margrethe Sambiria. Danske Kongegrave, ed. Karin Kryger, København 2014, pp. 175-82 and 375-99.

▪ The beginnings of Gothic ivory sculpture: recent discoveries in a group of Danish ivories. Sculpture Journal 2014, s. 31-39.

▪ "Choir Screens and Rood Lofts in Scandinavian Churches before 1300". The Art and Science of the Church Screen in Medieval Europe. Making, Meaning. Preserving. Ed. Spike Burlow, Richard Marks & Lucy Wrapson, Woodbridge 2017, pp. 247-61.

▪ "King Valdemar Atterdag and Højerup Church at the utmost point of Stevns". God Latin. Festskrift til Peter Zeeberg i anledning af hans 60-årsdag 21 april 2017. Internetpublikation 2017 på Forum for Renæssancestudies.

▪ "Stone Sculpture in Småland - and in Denmark. Thoughts on the Occasion of Marian Ulléns Book on Church Builders and Stone Masons in Småland". Fornvännen 2017, no. 1, pp. 38-42.

▪ "The Tomb of Queen Margaret Sambiria in the Abbey Church of Doberan". Die Ausstattung des Doberaner Münsters. Kunst im Kontext. eds. Gerhard Weilandt & Kaja von Cossart, Petersberg 2018, pp. 336-47. 

▪ "Danish Frescoes as evidence of relations between Byzantium and Scandinavia. A Discussion of sex recent contributions". Historisk Tidsskrift 2018, pp. 2003-16 (Danish) and Fornvännen 2018, pp. 233-241 (English). 


Renaissance and Baroque Art in Denmark:

▪ ‘Hans og Sten maler af Ribe’. Om Ribes malermiljø og dets marked i 1600'rnes Vestjylland (Hans and Sten – Painters of Ribe. On the painters of 17th-century Ribe and their 'market' in Western Jutland). Synligt og usynligt. Studier tilegnede Otto Norn, ed. Hugo Johannsen, Herning 1990, pp. 143-172.

▪ 'Lektorieprædikestole og katekismusaltertavler. Om inventarfornyelse i sydvestjyske kirker i reformationsårhundredet' (Gallery Pulpits and Catechism retables. On the reneval of church fittings in Southwestern Jutland during the Century of Reformation). Tro og bilde i Norden i Reformasjonens århundre, Oslo 1999, pp. 223-250.


Art and History:

▪ 'Om kirkekunsten, kirkearkitekturen og middelalderens virkelighed' (Ecclesiastical Art and medieval Reality). Tradition og historieskrivning. Kilderne til Nordens ældste historie. Acta Jutlandica Lxiii:2, Humanistisk Serie 61, Århus 1987, pp. 85-94.

▪ 'Kirchliche Kunst und mittelalterliche Wirklichkeit' (Ecclesiastical Art and medieval Reality). Medium aevum quotidianum 15, 1988, pp. 23-35.


Biographical Research:

▪ 'Hugo Johannsen - Portrait of the Antiquarian' in Hugo Johannsen, Masters Meanings & Models. Studies in the Art and Architecture of the Renaissance in Denmark. Essays published in honour of Hugo Johannsen, Copenhagen 2010. 

▪ Peter Tångeberg - Conservator and Art Historian". From Conservation to Interpretation. Studies of Religious Art (c.1100-c-1800) in Northern and Central Europe in Honour of Peter Tångeberg, eds. Justin Kroesen, Ebbe Nyborg & marie Louise Sauerberg, Leuven, Paris and Bristol 2017, pp. 1-7.


Reviews (selected):

▪ Herman Bengtsson: Den höviska kulturen i Norden. En konsthistorisk undersökning, Stockholm 1999. Fornvännen 2002, pp. 210-212.

▪ Living Words & Luminous Pictures. Essays and Catalogue, eds. Erik Petersen et al. Nordisk Tidskrift för Bok- och Bibliotekshistoria 1998-2001, pp. 86-88, and Historisk Tidsskrift (Copenhagen) 2003, pp. 239-241.

▪ Martin Blindheim: Painted Wooden Sculpture in Norway 1100-1250, 1998. Foreningen til norske fortidsminnesmerkers bevaring 2001, pp. 161-168, and Fornvännen 2002, pp. 117-119.

▪ Joanna Wolska: Ringkors från Gotlands Medeltid. En ikonografisk och stilistisk studie, Stockholm 1997. Fornvännen 2004, pp. 59-63.

▪ Werner Steinwarder: Romanische Kunst als politische Propaganda im Erzbistum Lund während der Waldemarzeit. Studien besonders zum Bild der Heiligen Drei Könige, Frankfurt a. M. 2003. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 2005, pp. 571-572, and Historisk Tidsskrift 2005, pp. 298-300.

▪ Martin Blindheim: Gothic Painted Sculpture in Norway 1220-1350, Oslo 2004. Sehepunkte – Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 5, 2005, nr. 10.

▪ Sissel F. Plathe & Jens Brun, Middelalderlige altertavler i Haderslev Stift. Fortid og Nutid 2005, pp. 60-61.

▪ Axel Bolvig: Kunsten i Kalkmaleriet, København 2005. Historisk Tidsskrift 2007, pp. 307-308.

▪ Axel Bolvig & Philip Lindley (eds.): History and Images. Towards a new Iconology. Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe 5, 2003. Historisk Tidsskrift 2007, pp. 304-307.

▪ Birgit Als Hansen og Morten Aaman Sørensen: Ornamenterede middelalderlige gulvfliser i Danmark. Fortid og Nutid 2007, pp. 156-57.

▪ Tobias Kunz: Skulptur um 1200. Das kölner Atelier auf Gotland und der ästetische Wandel in der 2. Hälfte des 12. Jahrhunderts (=Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte 45). Fornvännen 2008, pp. 144-46 and Sehepunkte – Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 2008, nr.8.

▪ Torkel Eriksson, Knut Drake & Peter Carelli: Kärnan och borgen. Helsingborg slotts medeltida byggnadshistoria. Skånsk senmedeltid och renässans, Lund 2007. Fortid og Nutid 2008, pp. 226-27 and Fornvännen 2009, pp. 62-64.

▪ Jan Friederich Richter: Claus Berg. Retabelproduktion des Spätmittelalters im Ostseeraum, Berlin 2007. Fortid og Nutid 2009, pp. 62-63 and Sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 2009 nr. 2.

▪ Justin Kroesen & Regnerus Steensma: Kirchen in Ostfriesland und ihre mittelalterliche Ausstattung. Petersberg 2011. Sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 2012 nr. 11.

▪ Juliane von Fircks: Skulptur im südlichen Ostseeraum. Stile, Werkstätten und Auftraggeber im 13. Jahrhundert, Petersberg 2012. Sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 2013 nr. 1.

▪ Justin Kroesen og Peter Tångeberg: Die mittelalterliche Sakramentsniche aug Gotland (Schweden). Kunst und Liturgie, Petersberg 2014. Iconografisk Post. Nordisk tidskrift för Bildtolkning. Nordic Review of Iconography 2015, no. 2, pp. 91-993 (web publication)

▪ Petra Gröminger: Bladmannens ansikten. The Green Man som konsthistorisk motiv och nutida fenomen, Halmstad 2017. Iconografisk Post. Nordisk tidskrift för Bildtolkning. Nordic Review of Icionography 2015 no. 2 pp. 91-93. (web publication)

▪ Corpus der mittelalterlichen Holzskulptur und Tafelmalerei in Schleswig-Holstein Bd. 3, Schloss Gottorf, udg. Uwe Albrecht, Berlag Ludwig, Kiel 2016. Historisk Tidsskrift 2017, 2, pp. 619-21 and Sehepunkte - Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 2017.